Friday, August 20, 2010
[Admin Post] Announcement~~
From now onwards, this blog will not updating news,pictures and anything related to DBSK and Super Junior....
We will be on hiatus and hopefully will comeback,
Thanks so much for visiting our site..keep supporting us,guys~!!!
till then,
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
[News] Japanese writer of Korea-Japan joint production “Heaven’s Postman” : “TVXQ’s Hero Jaejoong was great in acting”
According to the officials on the 17th, in last June when the staffs were watching the premiere of Tele Cinema trailer video including Japan staff writer Eriko Kitagawa, the Japanese writer said, “I think Jaejoong suits the image of his drama character well. I feel the character of drama is saved (by Jaejoong). I’m looking forward to it.” revealing a positive response.
“Heaven’s Postman” is written by Eriko Kitagawa who is known for writing Japan popular drama “Long Vacation” and directed by PD Lee Hyeong-min who is known for his KBS2TV drama “I’m Sorry I Love You.”
This drama is the first challenge for the male lead Kim Jaejoong whose role is as a soul drifting in real world, carrying a mysterious-feeling character. While the heroine is led by Han Hyo-joo who already gained quite fame in Japan for her role in PD Yoon Suk-ho drama “Spring Waltz”.
The reaction of audience regarding Heaven’s Postman:
Through Tele Cinema 7 dramas focus group to measure audience rating in progress, Samhwa Network publisher announced that “Heaven’s Postman” currently occupies 2nd place. The first rank of audience rating is grabbed by “Triangle”, starring actors Ahn Jae-wook and Kang Hye-jeong.
Meanwhile, Tele Cinema which is a coorporation project of Japan’s top seven popular drama writers and Korean wave’s producers and artists will greet the audiences through screen starting September this year while Heaven’s Postman starring Hero Jaejoong and Han Hyo-joo will air in the end of October at the earliest, by SBS.
source: SPN News
trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress
shared by: cassiELForever

[Translation] 090818 Three More Golds for THSK
TVXQ adds an album, a single and a DVD to their list of releases that reached Gold as approved by the Recording Industry Association of Japan
The Recording Industry Association of Japan has acknowledged a million singles and albums sold, namely TVXQ's Five in the Black album released March of last year, Stand By U single released in July and launched in August of last year, TVXQ's 3rd Live Tour T. These releases have exceeded the 100,000 mark and is now recognized as Gold.
Moreover, this has made the fact that three of the members of TVXQ, Yoochun, Junsu and Jaejoong applied for a provisional injuction of their exclusive contracts, even more eye-catching. In Japan, TVXQ's popularity continues to grow despite increasing speculation of the future.
Meanwhile, TVXQ members Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu's submission of an Evidence Preservation application has been accepted by the court. Therefore SME and the members are doing the negotiations gently.
The three members went to the Seoul District Court last July 31 to apply for a provisional injunction to stop their exclusive contracts with SME, sending a shock in the entertainment industry. It was revealed that until the Evidence Preservation application was filed, it has been realized that the situation is more serious than expected.
The court accepted the application and the SME side was asked to submit relevant documents. Evidence Preservation states that all income and expenditure accounting, the contracts, receipts, vouchers must be given up.
Accordingly, it seems that a new phase of this case is to be expected as the revenues of the group and distribution of finances are released.
Source: newsen
Translation: ELUNE @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!